نام کتاب : كشاف اصطلاحات الفنون والعلوم نویسنده : التهانوي جلد : 2 صفحه : 1893
/ 560
الجزل/ Retranchement d'une syllable ;Subtracting a syllable / 165
Tribut, capitation, impot financier; Tribute, capitation, tax
/ 561
Durcissement, cal, calus, callosite, durillon; Hardening, callus, callosity, hard skin
/ 561
الجسد/ Corps ,chair ;Body / 165
الجسم/ Corps ,organisme ,corps corpulent ;Body ,organism ,huge body / 165
الجسماني/ corporel ,materiel ;Bodily ,material / 665
الجعفرية/ Al -Ja'fariyya (secte) ;Al -Ja'fariyya )sect( / 665
الجعل/ Creation ,production ;Creation ,production / 665
جغشباط آي/ Jagchabat -Ay (mois turc) ;Jagchabat -Ay )Turkish month( / 765
جفا/ Eloignement ,rudesse ;Distance ,rudeness / 765
الجفاف/ Secheresse ,aridite ;Dryness ,aridity / 765
Art de predire l'avenir, science des lettres de l'alphabet et comment en deviner l'avenir jusqu'a la fin des jours, onomancie; Art of telling the future, sciences of the letters of the alphabet and how to predict future till the end of the world
/ 568
Eclat, manification transfiguration; Brilliance, manifestation, transfiguration
/ 568
الجلّاب/ Miel avec eau de rose ;Honey with rosewater / 865
Grandeur, magnificence, splendeur, le Venere( Dieu ); Greatness, magnificence, splendour, the Venerated) God (
/ 568
الجلب/ Domicile d'election ;Chosen house / 865
الجلد/ Flagellation ,fouettement ;Flogging ,flagellation / 965
الجلواز/ Agent de police ,agent secret ;Policeman ,secret agent / 965
الجمّ/ Immeuble sans fenetre ;Building without a window / 965
الجمار الثّلاث/
Les trois charbons ardents( ame, caractere et habitude ); The three embers) soul, charachter and habit (
/ 570
Communaute, collectivite, societe, clan; Community, society, clan
/ 570
الجمال/ Beaute ;Beauty / 075
الجمرة/ Anthrax ,pustule ;Carbuncle ,pustule ,anthrax / 175
Groupe de gens, foule, addition, somme, pluriel; Groupe of people, crowd, addition, sum, plural, union
/ 571
جمع الجمع/
Union de l'union( cumul de l'union et de la separation ); Union of the union) gethering union and separation (
/ 575
جمع المؤتلف والمختلف/
Union du semblable et du different( figure rhetor- ique ); Union of the same and the different) rhetoric figure (
/ 576
جمع المسائل في مسئلة/ Combinaison de deux relations differentes entre elles
نام کتاب : كشاف اصطلاحات الفنون والعلوم نویسنده : التهانوي جلد : 2 صفحه : 1893