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نام کتاب : كشاف اصطلاحات الفنون والعلوم نویسنده : التهانوي    جلد : 2  صفحه : 1892
anteislam; Preislamic period or state
/ 547
الجاورشية/ Pustule ,bouton ;Pustule ,spot ,pimple / 845
Retranchement, coupure, modification prosodique; Retrenchment, subtracting, prosodic modification
/ 548
الجبّائية/ Al -Jubaiyya (secte) ;Al -Jubaiyya )sect( / 845
Remboitement, reboutage, algebre, puissance, predestination; Re- assembly, recasting, bonesetting, algebra, power, predestination
/ 548
La toute- puissance, contrainte; The all- mighty, constraint
/ 549
Predeterminisme, fatalisme Al- Jabriya( secte ); Predeterminism, fatalism Al- Jabriya) sect (
/ 551
الجحد/ Ingratitude ;Ungratefulness ,ingratitude / 255
الجدّ/ Grand -pere ;Grandfather / 255
الجدّ/ Serieux ;Serious / 255
الجدري/ Variole ,petite verole ;Smallpox ,variola / 255
Coupure, modification prosodique; Cutting, prosodic modifica- tion
/ 552
الجدل/ Polemique ,dialectique ;Controversy ,dialectic / 355
Le nouveau vers( en prosodie )) vers ajoute par les perses (; the new verse or metre) in prosody (addel by the Persians
/ 554
الجذام/ Lepre ;Leprosy / 455
الجذب/ Attraction ;Attraction / 455
جذب القلب/
Battement irregulier du coeur; Cardiac arrhythmia, irregular heartbeating
/ 554
الجذر/ Racine carree ,mathematique ;Square root ,mathematics / 455
Petit garcon, chameau dans sa cinquieme annee, taurillon; Little boy, camel in its fifth year, bull- calf
/ 555
الجرّ/ Genitif ;Possesive case ,genitive / 655
الجراحة/ Blessure ,plaie ,lesion ;Injury ,wound ,cut ,lesion / 655
الجرب/ Gale ;Scabies ,itch / 655
Refutation ou invalidation d'un temoignage, denigrement; Refutation or invalidation of a testemony, denigration
/ 557
الجرسام/ Pleuresie ,pleurite ;Pleurisy / 755
الجرعة/ Goregee ,coup ;Sip ,gulp / 755
الجرم/ Corps ;Body / 755
Ecoulement, ruissellement, circulation; Flowing, streaming, circula- tion
/ 557
الجريب/ Hectare ;Hectare / 755
الجزاء/ Sanction ,punition ,penalite ;Sanction ,punishment ,penalty / 755
الجزاف/ Hasard ,a l'aveuglette ;Stroke ,chance ,coincidence / 755
Coupure d'une partie( modification prosodique ); Cutting a part,) prosodic modification (
/ 558
Partie, atome, section, fraction; Part, atom, section, fraction
/ 558
الجزالة/ Eloquence ,verve ;Eloquence ,verve / 855
الجزئية/ Particulier ,individuel ;Particular ,

نام کتاب : كشاف اصطلاحات الفنون والعلوم نویسنده : التهانوي    جلد : 2  صفحه : 1892
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