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نام کتاب : كشاف اصطلاحات الفنون والعلوم نویسنده : التهانوي    جلد : 2  صفحه : 2063
tion, l'existence, veerification
/ 536/ الثّبوت
* Constellation; Constellation
/ 618/ الحامل
* Constipation; Constipation, arret
/ 107/ الاحتباس
* Constraint; Contrainte
/ 1254/ الغصب
* Constraint, coercion; Contrainte, coecition
/ 249/ الإكراه
* construction; Construction
/ 344/ البناء
* Consultation, appreciation; Consultation, appreciation
/ 170/ الاستفتاء
* Consumption, phthisis; Phtisie
/ 818/ ذات الصّدر
* Contagious disease; Maladie contagieuse
/ 1512/ المرض المتعدي
* Contiguous walls; Contiguites des murs
/ 97/ اتصال الملازقة
* Contingency; contingence
/ 267/ الإمكان
* Continuation, continuous action in the ablutions; Continuation, action suivie dans les ablutions
/ 1805/ الولاء
* Contour, perimeter, tropic, orbit; Contour, perimetre, tropique, orbite
/ 774/ الدّائر
* contraction; contraction
/ 1077/ الصّغير
* Contraction; Contraction
/ 129/ الإدغام
* Contraction; contraction
/ 1300/ القبض
* Contract, pact; Contrat, pacte
/ 1192/ العقد
* Contradiction; Contradiction
/ 1653/ المناقضة
* contradiction; Contradiction
/ 514/ التّناقض
* Contradition, opposition antagonism; Contradition, opposition, antagonisme
/ 466/ التّضاد
* Contrary; Contraire, oppose
/ 1202/ العكس
* Contrary, opposite; Contraire, oppose
/ 1111/ الضّد
* Contrary, opposite, antagonist; Contraire, oppose, antagoniste
/ 1726/ النّقيض
* Contrary, opposition; Contraire, opposition
/ 284/ الانعكاس
* Contreversialist, contender; Polemiste, conversiste
/ 1455/ المجادل
* Control, supervision; Controle, surveillance
/ 141/ الإرصاد
* Controversy, dialectic; Polemique, dialectique
/ 553/ الجدل
* Convenience; Convenance
/ 114/ الإخالة
* Convenience; Convenence
/ 394/ تخريج المناط
* Convenience, agreement, harmony; Convenance, accord, harmonie
/ 1646/ المناسبة
* Convenience, aptness; Pertinence, convenance
/ 1638/ الملائمة
* Convenient, appropriate; Convenable, approprie
/ 1055/ الصّالح
* Convention; Convention
/ 212/ الاصطلاح
* Convention; Convention
/ 97/ الاتفاقية
* Conversion, divergence, obliquity; Conversion, divergence, obliquite
/ 254/ الالتفاف
* Cool, indulgence, patience, clemency, magnanimity; Sang- froid, mansuetude, patience, indulgence, clemence, magnanimite
/ 706/ الحلم
* Coordination of the attributes, climax; Coordination des attributs, gradation
/ 519/ تنسيق الصّفات
* Copula, link, relation; Copule, lien, relation
/ 838/ الرّابطة
* Coquetry. love force; coquetterie, force de l'amour
/ 1680/ ناز

نام کتاب : كشاف اصطلاحات الفنون والعلوم نویسنده : التهانوي    جلد : 2  صفحه : 2063
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