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نام کتاب : كشاف اصطلاحات الفنون والعلوم نویسنده : التهانوي    جلد : 2  صفحه : 2057
Eclat, manification transfiguration
/ 568/ الجلاء
* Brilliant light; Lumieres brillantes
/ 1415/ اللوامع
* Bringing back, support; Rapport, support
/ 1535/ المستند
* Bringing up; Vomissement, vidage
/ 156/ الاستظهار
* Broken or reinforced rhyme; Rime brisee ou renforcee
/ 445/ التّشريع
* Broker, crier, anxiety, indecision; Cour- tier, crieur, angoisse, indecision
/ 786/ الدّلّال
* Bubbling, eagerness, precipitation, at once; Bouillonnement, empressment, precipitation, sur- le- champ
/ 1293/ الفور
* Building; Batiment
/ 1554/ المشيد
* Building without a window; Immeuble sans fenetre
/ 569/ الجمّ
* Burning; Brulure
/ 1404/ اللّذع
* Burning desire, passion; Desir ardent, passion
/ 1057/ الصّبابة
* Burning love, passion; amour ardent, passion
/ 1181/ العشق
* Bushel; Boisseau
/ 359/ پ يمانه
C* Cakes, sweets; Gateaux, douceurs
/ 600/ الجوارش
* Calculation, arithmetic, mathematics; Calcul, arithmetique, mathematiques
/ 663/ الحساب
* Calculation of the two mistakes; Calcul des deux erreurs
/ 664/ حساب الخطائين
* Calculation, religious practices; Calcul, pratiques religieuses
/ 108/ الاحتساب، والحسبة
* Caliphate; Califat
/ 757/ الخلافة
* Call, appeal, vocative; Appel, vocatif
/ 1684/ النّداء
* Caller, liquide, fluid, questioner; Deman- deur, liquide, fluide, questionneur
/ 920/ السّائل
* Call for help; Appel au secours
/ 1256/ الغوث
* Calligramme; Calligramme
/ 1548/ المشجّر
* Calligramme; Calligramme
/ 1592/ المعقّد
* Calligramme, concrete, poetry; Calli- gramme, poesie concrete
/ 1548/ المشجّر المطير
* Call, invocation, exhortation, prayer; Appel, invocation, exhortation priere
/ 785/ الدّعاء
* Call to the prayer; Appel a la piere
/ 131/ الآذان
* Call to the prayer in a low voice then in a high one, harmony of the stanzas of a poem; L'appel a la priere par voix basse et voix haute, hamonie des strophes d'un poeme
/ 416/ التّرجيع
* Canal, conduit; Canal, conduit
/ 1341/ القناة
* Canceled, omitted; Supprime, raye
/ 1486/ المحذوف
* Cancellation, infix; Suppression, infixe
/ 905/ الزّحاف
* Cancellation or deprivation of old acqui- sition; Annulation ou privation des anciens acquis
/ 968/ سلب المزيد وسلب القديم
* Cancelling, dissolution; Annulation, dissolution
/ 1273/ الفسخ
* Cancelling, thigh; Suppression, cuisse
/ 908/ الزّلل
* Capacity, power, extent; Contenance, capacite, puissance, etendue
/ 956/ السّعة

نام کتاب : كشاف اصطلاحات الفنون والعلوم نویسنده : التهانوي    جلد : 2  صفحه : 2057
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