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نام کتاب : كشاف اصطلاحات الفنون والعلوم نویسنده : التهانوي    جلد : 2  صفحه : 1888
the voice
/ 501
التّقوى/ piete ,devotion ;Piety ,devotion / 105
Rectification, releve astronomique, almanach; Rectification, astronomic statement, almanac
/ 501
التكاثف/ Epaississement ;Thickening / 205
التكافؤ/ Antithese ;Antithesis / 205
التّكدر/ Inflammation de l'oeil ;Eye trouble / 205
التّكرير/ Repetition ,pleonasme ;Repetition ,pleonasm / 205
التّكسّر/ Malaise ,indisposition ;Upset ,discomfort / 405
Superficie, alteration, art de predire l'avenir, voyance; Area, altera- tion, art of predicting the future, clairvoy- ance
/ 504
التّكليف/ Obligation ,charge ;Obligation ,charge / 405
التّكميل/ Surplus ,annexe ,prolixite ;Surplus ,annex ,prolixity / 505
التّكوين/ Creation ,generation ;Creation ,generation / 505
Coincidence, jonction, tangence, intersection; Coincidence, junction, tan- gency, intersection
/ 505
Lecture, recitation du Coran; Reading, recitation of the Koran
/ 505
التّلطيف/ Inflexion vocalique ;Inflexion of the voice / 505
Harmonie, proportionnalite, enroulement; Harmony, proportionality, rolling up
/ 505
التّلميح/ Allusion ,periphrase ;Allusion ,periphrasis / 605
التّلويح/ Metonymie ;Metonomy / 605
التّلوين/ Extase et eveil ;Ecstasy and awaking / 605
التّماثل/ Egalite ,analogie ;Equality ,analogy / 605
Utilite, jouissance, faire le pelerinage et la>> umra < > umra < / 506
التّمثيل/ Raisonnement par analogie ;Reasoning by analogy / 605
التّمدّد/ Dilatation ,anevrisme ;Dilatation ,aneurism / 805
Tamuz( juillet dans le calandrier juif ); Tamuz) july in Hebrew calender (
/ 508
التّمكّن/ Localisation ;Localization / 805
Eschatologie( le fin du monde ), rime ou exemple bien adaptes; Escha- tology) the end of the world (a well- adapted rhyme or example
/ 508
Bonne trouvaille( en poesie ); Fine stok of inspiration) in poetry (
/ 509
التّمنّي/ Souhait ;Wish / 905
تموز/ Juillet ;July / 015
Determination, specification; Determination, specification
/ 510
Eparpillement, dispersion, chute des cheveux; Scattering, dispersal, falling of the hair
/ 511
التنازع/ Antagonisme ,lutte ,conflit ;antagonism ,struggle ,conflict / 115
التّناسب/ proportion ,harmonie ;Proportion ,harmony / 115

نام کتاب : كشاف اصطلاحات الفنون والعلوم نویسنده : التهانوي    جلد : 2  صفحه : 1888
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