نام کتاب : علم اللغة مقدمة للقارئ العربي نویسنده : السعران، محمود جلد : 1 صفحه : 311
المراجع المراجع الإنجليزية
... المراجع الانجليزية:
1- Abbott, Nabia:
The Rise of The North Arabiac Script and Its Kur'anic Development, With Full Description of the Kur'anic Manuscripts in the Oriental Institute. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1939.
2 - Abercrombie, David:
Waht is A letter?
"Lingua", vol. II, 1. August, pp. 54 - 63, 1949.
3 - AJP:
American Jornol of Philolgy. Baltimore, 1880-.
4 - Allen, W. S.:
Pjonetics And Comparative Linguistics. "Archivum Linguisticum, III, 2.
5 - Allen, W. S.:
On The Linguistic Study of Languages. An Inaugural Lecture delivered in The University of Cambridge On 8 March 1957. Cambridge university Press, 1957.
6 - American Speech:
Baltimore, 1925 -.
7 - Armstrong, Lilas E.:
A Handbook of English Intonation
W. Heffer & Sons Ltd., Cambridge, Second Edition Reprinted 1949.
8 - Barker, M. L.:
A Handbook of German Intonation. Cambridge, 1925.
9 - Benveniste. Emile:
Animal Communication And Human Language - Language of The
Bees. Diogenes, Number 1. A quarterly Publicaation, Unesco.
نام کتاب : علم اللغة مقدمة للقارئ العربي نویسنده : السعران، محمود جلد : 1 صفحه : 311